Dawg Walk 2018 Donation Wrap Up

Greetings, bulldog parents. The Dawg Walk fundraising period is wrapping up and once again our students and families have done an incredible job! Envelopes are due today (Monday, Sept. 10), but do not panic if your student did not hand in their envelope. Please have them bring it in tomorrow. We must order all prizes by Friday, so any envelopes that have not been received by then will not count toward Dawg Walk prizes.

If you’d like to completely forgo the envelope, please keep the donations your child has gathered and make a donation online on the Dawg Walk website for the amount they have raised instead. This makes counting much easier for us and hopefully makes things less complicated for you.

Please make sure you double check your student’s prize selections on their Dawg Walk page. You must first sign in to see and change this information. If the prize selections are blank, then please change them to the choices your child would like.

Finally, if you have any problems or questions about donations, don’t hesitate to email support@fundforus.com!

Ken Keefe
Dawg Walk Chair